The Cyprus Regulatory Authority for Energy (CERA) during the execution of the tasks assigned to it in accordance with the
Electricity Market Regulation, aims to promote its general objectives, such as ensuring effective competition in the Electricity Market, protecting the interests of consumers and ensuring the security, continuity, quality and reliability of electricity supply. More information on the objectives, powers and responsibilities of CERA on the Electricity Market can be found under the
CERA / Objectives, Powers and Responsibilities.
The existing laws regulating the Electricity Market aim to regulate the electricity market in the Republic of Cyprus and among other things lay down rules for the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity. In addition, they define the rules regarding the organization and operation of the electricity sector, market access, exploitation of the networks as well as the criteria and procedures to grant licenses for the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of electricity. The law describes the duties and responsibilities of CERA, as well as the scope of activities and its role.
In the section Electricity you will find topics related to:
Transmission and Distribution System - Transmission and Distribution Rules, Transmission System, Distribution System, New Connections, End-User
Market Participants - Electricity Market Rules, Market Information and Market Participants' Liabilities
Renewable Energy Sources - What are Renewable Energy Sources, National Targets, Guarantees of Origin, Renewable Energy Market and Statistical Inforamtion
Licensing - License Fees, Information and Forms
License File