Each Licensee is entitled to request a transfer of the Exemptions from a license he holds to another person by submitting a request to CERA (in form of as letter) at least three months before the date of the proposed transfer, including the proposed person for the transfer of the license and the reason for the transfer.
Transfer Procedure Exclusion from License
The person to whom the exemption will be transferred:
Submits a request for a transfer of this exemption (Application for Exclusion of RES or Conventional Fuels License).
Submits the required data and documents (where applicable).
If it is:
Natural Person Submits → Identity Card Number
Legal person, submits → Company Articles (Registration Number, Tax Registry, Recent Registration Certificates, Shareholders and Directors).
Provides details of its technical and financial capabilities (where appropriate).
Pays the transfer fee amount of € 170.86.
Attaches an Audit Certificate (where applicable).
CERA examines the transfer request submitted and follows the procedure as if it were an exemption from a license.
Transfers of Exceptions from Licenses are published through the CERA website.