The Transmission and Distribution Rules and the Electricity Market Rules shall be complied with by all license holders or by persons granted exemptions to the extent that licenses or exemptions require.
Transmission and Distribution Rules (TDR)
They address the technical requirements and constraints to be applied by licensees whenever they wish to connect to the transmission system and/or distribution system or to use the transmission system or distribution system for the transport of electricity;
Ensure that the technical conditions applicable to licensees wishing to connect or use the transmission system or distribution system do not create unjustified discrimination against licensees;
They promote efficiency, reliability and economy in the use and development of the transmission system and distribution system.
Electricity Market Rules (EMR)
They address the mechanisms, pricing and other terms and conditions that apply when license holders purchase or sell electricity on the basis of arrangements made by the CTSO;
Ensure that license holders who are requested to participate in the purchase and sale of electricity on the basis of these arrangements are not discriminated against;
They promote efficiency and economy and facilitate competition in the market and sale of electricity on the basis of these arrangements.
Interested parties wishing to receive copies of the Transmission and Distribution Rules (TDR) and the Electricity Market Rules (EMR) are kindly requested to contact the Cyprus Transmission System Operator (CTSO) at 68 Evangelistrias Street, Strovolos, Nicosia, tel .: +357 22 611 611, fax: +357 22 611 666 and on the website of the CTSO